Thursday, December 23, 2004

I don't have any other choice

Since my 4 year old is due to start preschool next year, I've been having to tell quite a few people that I am homeschooling. Family have already told me in no uncertain terms that I am completely mad for even thinking of going ahead. The reactions from friends and acquaintances has been mixed.

My friends without children see it as an adventure, a challenge and something that would be quite rewarding. Most of the ones with children automatically assume there is something wrong with their decision to send their children to school. Both will ask why I've decided to homeschool, but once I give them my reasons, most of my friends with children will immediately become defensive and seem to make excuses for why they are sending their children to school.

My decision is MINE. Homeschooling I believe would be best for MY child. I don't know the whys and hows of other people's family and just because I am not happy with my child being taught in a classroom of 30 other children doesn't mean I think those that do send their children there are bad parents.

If I say I am not too impressed with the Islamic schools, it doesn't mean that one has to tell me that the schools are excellent when it comes to literacy scores and their religious education is second to none. That is probably so, but again I think teaching my children at home for now is best for our family. I don't think one has made a big mistake by sending their children there. It also doesn't mean that I think teachers are worthless. On the contrary.

If I say that it will give me more time to spend with my son and improve our relationship and bring us closer together, it doesn't mean that I think anyone who doesn't homeschool doesn't have a wonderful relationship with their kids. It doesn't mean that I am some sort of martyr (though I have to admit some days I do feel like one!) or that I'm insane.

I've really had to choose my words wisely. If someone asks me one more time why I'm homeschooling, I think I'm just going to say that my husband is forcing me to! Hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

assalamualykum i think its fantastic and hope it is good for you and all your family.

i know that children love to speand time with their parents, i have seen that the more they are pushed away from their parents the more clingy they seem to become. i have seen this with children , including my own. except where ppl are fortunate enough to have relatives around which the children see all the time and have a relationship with. leaving the children with a baby sitter or forcing them into nursery from what i have seen always ends with tears, till the child finally accepts the situation. my daughter is 2 1/2 but already i have had ppl ask me does she go to nursery etc etc! i was shocked at this, my reply is always but shes only x age at the moment! ppl seems to expect kids to start nursery/ creche etc earlier and earlier, i dunno why? besides its no one elses bussiness anyway.

as long as our children are learning what they need then whats the problem?

anyway i hope it goes well for u, i know of a few ppl homeschooling and i have read lots about it as i am interested in it, when ppl ask me if i would homeschool i say that insha'Allaah i would like to try but if the children want to go to school and theres a good one out there somewhere i wouldn't stop them from attending.

besides Allaah swt knows best what my situation might be like by the time they r old enough for school.

theres a lot of webistes and books about it anyway.

3:37 AM  

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