Friday, April 22, 2005

Quick Update

Asalaamu alaikum,

Well I've been so busy with homeschooling that I haven't had a chance to update. Let me tell you what's been happening. Here in Queensland, preschool is not compulsory but many parents do enrol their children in a preschool type of program. Typically (and I'm not sure if this is a government stipulation or a mere guideline) preschool classes are for 2 1/2 days a week.

I had "ummed and ahhed" about this homeschooling business and after praying Istikharah didn't really get a bolt-of-lightning sign (which not many of us ever do) and when the preschool closest to us called to say they had a spot available, my heart skipped a beat. I told them that I would be homeschooling my son and thank you but no thank you.

The next day I got a call from my old primary school's preschool (the primary school that I had attended as a child!) who told me there was a space for my son. Again I calmly declined the offer and well, here we are.

Since I had no idea about teaching my child or formulating my own curriculum and really, I don't have a problem with the state's curriculum (yet!) I have enrolled my son in the Queensland School of Distance Education

We've been having a lot of fun together. I had no idea just how rewarding this would be. I can see from the small amount of time we've been doing this formally how much he has matured and developed. His fine motor control has improved markedly and just watching him enjoying the activities that have been set up is the best feeling.

InshaAllah I will update more often. Next post will be about a typical day in our homeschooling lives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look forward to your updates- really! Bring it on!

Love, S. xx

10:42 PM  
Blogger Quash said...

Me again, lol.

Have you read Getting Started with Homeschooling by Beverley Paine? I highly recommend it. When I started out I had no clue and jumped right in. But as my daughter progressed I started to think, "Ok where to now?". So I bought this book and it has been a great help.

I don't have a detailed curriculum but I did write down a few things as a general yearly plan and I hope to revise and build upon it.

If you can't find it in your library, you might be able to get it as an inter-library loan.

12:51 AM  
Blogger Tasmiya said...

Asalaamu alaikum,

I've been thinking of purchasing the book but was worried that it wouldn't be worth it. I've read a few books on homeschooling that I didn't find very useful so was a bit reluctant to buy.

InshaAllah I'll check my library to see if they have a copy. Thanks for the recommendation.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualykum u don't have to follow a formal approach if u dont want to though lots of ppl start out with a curriculum. have fun let him play kids learn best through play lots of water/ sand dough etc and let him learn real things, u'll be amazed children can be very skillful given the chance, if he enjoys messing about vaccuming show him how to use it and let him use it, or dust pan and brush washing dishes etc they really like to do what the adults do too as well as playing with their own things. anwyay hope things r good wasalam
umm m

1:44 PM  

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