Thursday, February 17, 2005

A few time (and sanity) saving tips

Asalaamu alaikum,

When homeschooling with small children time management is very important but along with that parents need to relax a little. It doesn't matter if the laundry doesn't get done today - there is always tomorrow. If you haven't cooked, the family can make do with eggs or baked beans on toast (yes, really they can.)

Housework -

- Let the children help around the house - the housework gets done and the children are occupied. They will also have FUN.

- Do the housework before you go to bed - you don't wake up to a messy home and this immediately puts you in a better mood.

- Put clothes in the washing machine ready for the morning. All you need to do is switch on the machine first thing in the morning. Alternatively, do a load of washing and hang them out at night (weather permitting of course)

- Teach your children to put things back in their place. Have a set place for all their activities. Take advantage of boxes - label everything. After play or after an activity help them clean up.

- My house can't have enough bins. As you're walking around the house pick up any large pieces of rubbish (leaves, paper, food!) and take it to the nearest bin.

- Play outside. The children LOVE it and there is never a problem with messing up the floor or the carpet.

- While the children are in the bath or shower, clean the bathroom. Give them a small sponge and let them wipe the shower. You're keeping an eye on them and the bathroom gets cleaned.


- Cook at night or at least prepare the food for the next day. Chop vegetables, marinate meat or cook the rice for the next day. Invest in a rice cooker.

- Cook extra and freeze. I hated thawed out meals until I started cooking them. Really great if you have plans to be out most of the day.

- Buy a slow-cooker. I myself don't have one but I've heard great things about it. Put everything in the pot, switch it on & forget about it.

The most important sanity saving tip would have to be finding time for yourself. I'm not saying one needs to be away from the family or to run away from the children but I feel it's important to spoil ourselves once in a while. A supportive partner is really a God-send alhamdulillah. He can take the children for a drive so you can have some quiet time. Use the time for whatever you want. Read Qur'an or have a bath. It's amazing how refreshed you can feel once you've indulged yourself just that little bit.