Thursday, June 16, 2005

I iz lazeee

Asalamu alaikum,

I'm sorry for my sporadic postings on this website. My homeschooling has been going along quite well mashaAllah. My son is enrolled in the School of Distance Education and so far we've had no problems alhamdulillah.

Basically we are sent workbooks that we return to the school once completed. The workbooks we have at the moment are Language, Handwriting and Mathematics. Each workbook has 10 activities and while it's suggested to do one activity from each of the books everyday, they aren't so strict. We sort of do whatever we feel like whenever we feel like.

Here's my experience so far:


-It's great for me as I don't know much about curriculum structure and organising day to day activities. If you're a homeschooler who prefers the natural learning approach then this might not be for you.

-You know automatically that your child is following the State curriculum (again not so important for some people who are totally against the school system). THis for me is quite crucial - not just for my own peace of mind but to put my family at ease too. If I ever decide to put him into school, he's already up to date with the other children.

-I didn't realise but we are currently doing a "Learning through play" program with the preschool (COOL!). We are sent a toy box ever 6 weeks with a few games, toys, puzzles and usually a puppet or musical instrument (please no comments about haraam haraam). We send the toy box back to the school by the due date with a little letter telling the teacher which toys were played with the most, which weren't that fun and which type of toys we would like in our next box. It's like Eid ever 6 weeks! I think I love it more than the kids.

-We pay NOTHING. When I first enrolled my son, I was sent an art pack with paints and about 6 or 7 different brushes, felt pens, chalk and paper and even a bottle of craft glue. Of course we've run out the glue but the paints are still going strong. Our workbooks and toy box come with a self addressed sticker (reply paid so no cost) so it's just a matter of posting the books and toybox in the same package it arrived in. Easy.

-The school's library send us 4 books every 4 weeks, with a feedback form on how the child enjoyed the books. If there is a particular book we want, we just order it from the librarian. (as above, return in the same envelope and reply paid).

-My son has his own teacher who marks his work and I am given a comments sheet where I can write all the things we happen to be struggling with. She will respond straight away with a letter addressed to my son or with an email to me with advice on what to do. This I am finding invaluable (is that the right word?). How many times have we heard stories of parents who go to their teachers saying that they are sure their child is struggling with something, only to have the teacher (who is looking after 28 other kids) that she hasn't noticed a problem therefore there must not be one? Distance education (obviously because they have no choice) rely on the parent's input to gauge how the child is progressing.

-It's FUN!

InshaAllah another time, the disadvantages of using the School of Distance Education..


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